Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Deborah and Derek have 13 children - and they want more. Decca Aitkenhead meets them

Deborah and Derek Simpson live in a modest terraced house in East Kilbride, Lanarkshire. On the front step are neatly tended flower pots - the sort of house-proud gardening detail you often see outside homes after children leave home, when parents find themselves with a bit of time on their hands. But the door is answered by a woman holding a toddler.

Deborah is 43, but looks at least 10 years younger. Once inside, you would think you were in the typical home of a modern family with one or two young kids. She and Derek, 44, coo over their little boy with the wide-eyed delight of new parents, and their living room gives the impression of having never known a moment's domestic rough and tumble, let alone the muddle of infant clutter and grubby fingers. There are no industrial-sized appliances or fittings, and apart from the tumble dryer in the hall turning almost permanently, there is little clue to how many people live here.

Halfway through the afternoon, however, the front door swings open. The first ones home are from primary school - two boys and two girls, gap-toothed and soft-limbed, from six to 11 years old. Then Derek fetches the little ones from the nursery, a boy and a girl of three and four, who tear out to the back garden to play in the afternoon sunshine. A 17-year-old daughter saunters in and out next, before more get home from secondary school - three boys of 12, 13 and 15. Their two big sisters, 20 and 21, have moved out to live with their fiances - but only round the corner, and they still like to pop home for tea.

Were you to put all the kids from six average families in one house, you still wouldn't have as many as Derek and Deborah Simpson. With 13, aged from two to 21, Deborah has now been pregnant for 117 months - almost 10 years of her life. They spend between £600 and £700 at the supermarket every week, and pocket money alone works out at £240 a month. When the whole family goes on holiday together, they have to hire a bus, and if Deborah and Derek ever get a whole uninterrupted hour together in the evening, they laugh that it's the equivalent of most people's two-week summer holiday.

"A lot of women have come up to me and said, 'I've got two and I can't wait for them to be grown up and out my hair,'" Deborah marvels, wide-eyed. "I just think that's sad. I can't even imagine feeling that because I enjoy every single minute of them. We just love babies."

Deborah and Derek love them so much, in fact, that they are now trying for their 14th.

The couple never planned on having a big family when they got together in their late teens. Deborah nearly died giving birth to their first child, and they thought they would never have another.

"But," she says, "it has always just come to a point, when they get a little bit bigger, when we say, 'Oh, we'd love to have another one.' We never really discussed it - we just hoped it would happen. And it did."

After their fourth arrived, relatives began to ask if they didn't think that was enough. Neither comes from a particularly big family - Deborah was one of two, Derek one of four - and there was no religious motivation for keeping going. Softly spoken and self-effacing, they seem entirely conventional and their children's names have faithfully followed the prevailing fashions, starting with Chloe and Kimberly and ending with Jade and Orlando. They are, however, formidably determined to prove it is possible to have a big family without letting standards slip.

Every morning at 6am, Derek wakes the children, makes their breakfast and packed lunches, and then supervises them while they do their homework at two tables in the kitchen and living room. Deborah gets the three little ones up, dresses and washes them, then fixes all the girls' hair with plaits and ribbons, before the older ones head off to school. Derek walks the younger ones to the nearby primary, then walks to the Department for International Development, where he has been a civil servant since 1981, and now works flexitime.

He spends a couple of hours in the office, before coming home to walk the two little ones to nursery. By then, Deborah has spent the morning doing housework, and they have a couple of hours with just the baby at home, when Derek can work from home on his laptop and she can get out to go shopping, before he leaves to collect the children from nursery and primary school.

They cook together between 4pm and 5pm, and three times a week one of them heads off to Sainsbury's - usually Derek, because Deborah can't carry all the groceries they need. At 8pm they bath and put the youngest children to bed. The next lot go at 9pm, and after the eldest are in bed at 10pm, Derek finishes off his day's work on his laptop, while Deborah irons nine freshly laundered school uniforms, and lays them out ready for the following morning.

Nine clean, ironed outfits - every single day? "Oh, I just wouldn't let them go in without a clean uniform on. I think a lot of people think that because you are a big family, you're not going to put that effort in, and I just from the very start thought no, they've got to be neat and tidy and everything. They can come in looking however they like, but they have to go out looking right. That's what my mum always used to say. If they go out clean you know you're doing your job, basically."

That is the typical day in the Simpson household - before anyone gets ill or needs to go to the dentist, or gets into trouble at school, or floods the bath, or loses their satchel. The parents run through the routine as though it were perfectly ordinary, and their commitment to the ideal of normality is unshakeable. "Our children," they stress repeatedly, "do not go without." They don't even think of themselves as a big family. Deborah says, "Because to us they are all just individual kids. People see them and they think, there's a clump of kids - but we've been through bringing them up from when they were tiny; we've been through all their good times and bad times, so I can never see them like that."

When I mention hand-me-downs, assuming the kids must pass down their clothes, she looks horrified. "Oh no, I don't like hand-me-downs. Like I said, they're all individuals and I don't want them thinking that because Mum and Dad had loads and loads of kids we got a lesser childhood. I don't think there's anything wrong with hand-me-downs, but if I can afford not to, I won't. If you go somewhere like Primark, clothes are so cheap now, I just go and buy them."

Even so, how can they run a family of 15 on Derek's salary? They say they just budget carefully and save up for Christmas and birthdays. They don't drive, but every year they rent a big house in Blackpool or Ayr, and a local bus company takes the whole family for a week's holiday. When people see them on the beach, Deborah laughs, they usually think it's some sort of creche day trip. Other than that, the couple go out together once or twice a year, if that. For one thing, the only babysitters who could cope are Deborah's mother or their eldest girls. More to the point, they say they just don't like to be away from the kids. Since the eldest was born, Deborah has spent one night alone away from them in 21 years, and was back within 24 hours. "Oh no," she shudders, "I just couldn't have coped with another night."

Watching them with their kids, the quality of intimacy and fulfilment is unmistakable - and very striking. If I'm honest, though, I find the level of sublimation slightly unnerving - and the tireless domestic perfectionism unimaginable. But to them, they say, it seems the most natural thing in the world. "I think this is just what I was meant to do," Deborah offers serenely.

Derek's colleagues were a bit surprised when he downshifted his promising career after their sixth child to work partly at home. "But I had got to the point," he explains, "where you ask yourself, what's your life all about? It forced me to address, why do you have kids? To be in their lives. So I took a step back to reassess my life and I realised, why am I working? I'm working for Deborah and the children. And if I'm not with them, then there's no point."

"There's no point in us arguing with each other, we're always solid," Deborah agrees. As far as I can see, neither of them ever stops smiling. "But if we're ever getting really stressed out we just give each other a cuddle and say, 'Look, it's OK, we're in this together.' Plus the spark is still there between us, it's always been there. I love Derek as much as I did the first time I saw him."

Occasionally, I get the feeling that the modern media stereotype of a big family as chaotic or dysfunctional makes them reluctant to acknowledge any dilemmas or difficulties, however trivial. They claim a queue never even forms outside their one bathroom door - which is a bit hard to believe - and the only thing Deborah admits can drive her mad is the background noise of the tumble dryer. "Today's probably the longest I've sat down for a long time, just talking to you. But that's all right, because I could never sit still now - it's not in my nature. I just want to keep the place looking normal." The children are given small household chores such as tidying their rooms. "But it's a sort of kiddy tidy," Deborah smiles, "So once they're all away to school I go up and tidy and vacuum."

I suspect they might, understandably, prefer to appear glassy-eyed or even Stepford Wives-like than like something out of Shameless.

"People judge you because of what they've seen on the telly," Deborah says. "They show a lot of families that are on the dole and demanding big giant houses and all that. And I'm not going to criticise those families, if that's what they want to do. I don't want to sit here on my high horse saying they shouldn't be doing that. But it's not the way I choose to live my life and, as far as I'm concerned, we've worked hard for everything we've got. Fair enough, if we were just letting them run riot and they weren't being brought up right, and we weren't looking after them and giving them the love, people would have every right to criticise us. But I feel like I put 110% in, and Derek the same."

The Simpsons feature in a Channel 4 documentary next week about big families. "We wanted to give people an insight into big families because they get a lot of bad press. We thought, we'll try to make that seem better." The film focuses on Deborah's dogged efforts to conceive a 14th child, involving everything from homeopathic supplements to reflexology, and she is still trying. Why does she want another one?

"My analogy would be that you see these people, these doctors maybe in their 60s, and they say, 'I don't want to retire because I'm a really good surgeon and I like doing it,' and nobody ever says anything about that. People have loads of cars and they buy really big houses and they can't even fill the rooms, and people think, good on them. Well, we just really enjoy having kids, and while we're healthy and can give them a good life I don't see anything wrong with it.

"We've had people say, 'Don't you think it's selfish to have that many kids?' But, to be honest, for 21 years we've been running around after kids, so I don't feel we've been selfish. I feel like we've put the work in. We're just ordinary people - we just like kids."